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SATs & Primary

Boost English & Maths fast...

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"I am still helping Soni with her Maths now..." Luke Oct 2023

Soni Made Improvements FAST

This was SATs Boost Method!

Zach - Now Above Expected Levels

11+ Boost Method

"The 11+ Boost Method is Amazing!" Adam

Getting the last marks to push from grade 7/8 to a grade 9 is hard. Jessica did it...

Jessica Got Her Grade 9!

... Shamar focussed and his Mum was amazed!

Mum told me I couldn't get him to focus...

This Mum (&teacher) says her daughter was transformed  into focused goal-setting and improvement. 

Silliness Ended & Focus Achieved...

Teacher Explains How The Boost Method Worked Helped Her Son Charlie Pass His Maths GCSE In Just 12 Weeks... 

Charlie Went From Stress to Success

Ryley's improved confidence improved his exam performance in English as well as Maths.

Maths Confidence Achieved...

"I improved my test scores from 30% to 70% in two months." Charlie Yr11

Boosted 3 Grades In 2 Months!

Aiming for top grades, Jannat Boosted Her GCSE Maths, English & Science By Two Grades With The Boost Method.

Boosted Maths, English & Science

Salim was bright, but lazy and unfocussed. 
Listen to how The Boost Method changed Salim's focus...

Laziness Ended And GCSE Maths Boosted

Amelia was in top sets but kept getting grade 3 or 4 in tests. After sitting her exams she got grade 6, 7 and 8s!

The Boost Method Ended Stress & Tears...

Lizzie tell me why The Boost Method boosted her GSCE grades and confidence...

I hate Maths, but need it for college...

... But didn't really like Maths!

Aleks Had To Get A Grade 9!

Goals Achieved.

Hard Work Pays Off...

GCSEs Beaten...

Confidence Fixed...

Performance Improved Quickly... But will school notice in time!

Dropped A Maths Set

FIXED in 8 weeks!

Repeated GCSE Retake Failures

Messages From Parents And Students...